May 2022
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
The current war in Ukraine has no apparent end in the near future. With reports of Ukrainian forces fighting against Russian troops, there are bombs and missile strikes in civilian areas in the battle for cities in the Ukraine. Thousands of people have been killed and many more displaced from their homes. There is great uncertainty in this war, and who will be the victor, despite both sides claiming they will prevail in the end.
For the Christian, there is another war going on – the flesh versus the Spirit. “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would”. (Galatians 5:17).
In the scriptures, the flesh stands for the natural desires of a person living apart from God. When a person is born again, the Holy Spirit enters into that person (John 3:5-7) and they are made spiritually alive (Romans 8:11) with a desire to please God. However the Christian has to live with the flesh and its constant desires to produce all sorts of sin including hatred, strife, envy and covetousness. In contrast, the Spirit will produce love, joy peace, long suffering, gentleness and many other Christ-like characteristics (Galatians 5:19-23). Unlike the war in Ukraine there is already a victor over the flesh – the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been crucified with Him, and this body of sin has been reckoned dead, and the power of the flesh destroyed (Galatians 5:24, Romans 8:10). This war will certainly come to an end when our corruptible bodies are redeemed (Romans 8:23) and we shall be changed into that which is incorruptible and immortal (1 Corinthians 15:51-57). Thanks be unto God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
You will notice that this Prayer News covers a period of six months since our last issue in November 2021. The reason for the change is that the work of QMBC has decreased substantially since the pandemic, and we are not receiving nearly as much mail from overseas. As a result of this, we do not have sufficient material for quarterly updates at the present time. Our plan is to now issue the Prayer News each May and November. We trust that no-one will be disappointed with this decision, which has been made by the Committee. This issue includes a brief review of the twelve months to December 2021.
The following table shows a month by month summary of the weight of mail received during the past year.
(Note: the outgoing mail is always much more than that which comes in, as it contains the new sets of lessons, rewards etc.) For the 2021 year, we posted out about 14kg less than in 2020, and 85kg less than in 2019 (before the pandemic).
Prayer Request:
Please pray with us that we will be directed as to the future of QMBC. With the reduced amount of mail being received, the increasing age of our workers, and the fact that there has been no interest in the position of permanent Director, we need to prayerfully consider the future of the work.
Please take time to read the enclosed excerpts from some of our students’ letters and answers to assignments, which we are sure you will find interesting.
From students doing the basic Courses:
Pouna, previous PNG student: I was one of your members when I was a little kid. I was reading my Bible and saw the book mark you sent me some 25 years ago, and I have sent you a friend request. Thank you for accepting my friend.
Gideon, age 31, Hong Kong:
Raised [in] a religious family did not mean that I was a Christian. All along my life I was convinced that I was saved, by attending Church and also being involved in Church activities such as a choir. I volunteered in a faith based charity organisation, trusting that I was doing it for the Lord, but I was wrong. All this
is nothing without believing in Christ as the Lord and Saviour. It all happened during my incarceration and I realised a new dawn, a new person who has a renewed zeal to live in Christ. Being part of the Kingdom of God is an amazing journey as the Holy Spirit is gradually showing and revealing to me more grace from the Father.
Mandisan, age 29, Hong Kong:
I have just finished answering my E3 to E6 lessons, and I had to stay up for a while to have some time with God. After going through the lessons I had to shed tears as I got to understand my life in Christ and how I came about to be connected to Him. I read my Bible every morning and pray every morning. Your lessons help people understand more of God than what is taught in Churches. Your easy to understand language, and also the drawings bring imagination to life, and speak even more to a person who doesn’t like reading.
Viewl, age 54, Thailand:
I write to thank you for the lessons to learn more about our Saviour Jesus Christ. This year I could not send any card for the new year, for my health was not good. I stayed in hospital often. Please know that you are always in my prayers. I need to ask you to help me pray for my daughters. I have two and one just
got married and started a new life. The younger one is in her 2nd year in University learning to do business. I come from Myanmar and I stay already 12 years [in jail] and I remain [another] five years. I’m a widow, and I would like to learn more and more each day. Thank you for your encouragement.
Peter, age 41, Thailand:
I came to understand that our Lord Jesus Christ is all and all to those who really trust and believe in Him. Since I took Him as my Saviour…through my midnight meditation, I find peace in my heart. Please help me to pray about my twin daughters that live in the city of Thailand. I have never met them since I got
this problem [being in prison].
James, age 42, Thailand:
Thank you so much for the wonderful privilege you people have given to me to learn of the way of life in God. I really appreciate [the lessons]. God’s gift of Jesus Christ has been and will ever be the highest gift for me. And my earnest aim and desire is to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God and make use of the grace I have received so that God’s grace upon me will not be in vain. Once again, thanks so much.